Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 10:01 AM
new year
new dae,everdae is the same for me
new me,no difference
new hair,feeling botak now.
new year,new resolution.standard word people would say.
for sure all of u r now stuck inside the 4 wall with a door and a window and a fan
and ur hair must not touch ur collar together with no coloured hair allowed.blabla.
pitiful to u all.anywae wish u the best.
when for the registration last week and their student handbook was cool.
minimum rules applied.
gone shopping last week getting ready for me school
everday must wear a different thingy.ermm
yesterdae webcaming with that indo-taiwan gal.
damn like asshole and havock.not long cos i whana putt.
that all i should sae and 2morrow will be my orientation dae.ermm.ahaha

Monday, December 28, 2009 @ 7:02 PM

be like them,dun ever look back or side.just forward.

well,switching back to blogging again as i find no life in facebook.ohh well i my result was an unexpected one.even though i got sexteen point,i still not qualify to go sexy i think back,is like kinda waste of time going to higher nitec and doing more practical work rather den theory work that could make my brain laugh out decide to take pivate O and my bi says that he is willing to pay the fcuking fees for me.i will either go to citycollege or bmc academy.having problem thinking bout wat subject imma going to not going to take combined humanities again.dream on it.tomorow will be going for their interview.ahaha.people always say to look at the bright side but everydae when i woke up i saw the bright sight.i truly believe that everyone are born to succeed in their own way and is all up to them.will have much more freedom compared den when i am in school meaning i will tried the best to put my concentration mode to 80% and entertainment mode to only face.